When I was setting this blog up the initial idea was that it should be focused on my major source of delight - wholesome games. Games that soothe a soul in need. Games that you can play after a hard day at work to unwind, to relax... To let the mind lull itself into a cosy blanket of idleness. There are plenty of those, but then I figured, drat and tarnation - I like so many other games too and Cosy Games have their dedicated places already! So the idea got shelved, but it doesn't change the fact that I adore those wholesome experiences. FLOCK is a shining paragon in that category, a game of such good vibes I find it healing.
What is FLOCK? A casual, gentle collectathon where you and your loyal bird glide around a colorful, tranquil landscape in search of goobers. Yes, I know, it is a word I tend to overuse... But once you see the creatures I mean, can you disagree with the term? Flying potatoes could be a good descriptor too. Cutie patooties. Scrimblies, perhaps. There is a whole plenty of them and do not let their simplistic shapes fool you! They are complex creatures that feel so very alive that they charm you into soft awe and wonder by their existence.
It's all in how they present themselves. Each and every goober has its distinct call you can listen to from a distance. The sounds are unique and so well played that navigating by them alone is not only possible but a key feature of the exploration. Then once you find them, every adorable, colorful Play-Doh animal displays different movements. Some hover regally through the sky, others jerk around like they are on their tenth cup of coffee. Others spring around in a goofy fashion like a slinky with too much joy in them. And then, their behaviors are quite different - a slim noodle might be a bit shy and will hide if you approach too fast, or too loud. A rather peculiar owl-like-goober would try its best to zoom away from you. Some clever blobs mask themselves, pretending to be flora or even pieces of terrain. No two creatures are the same and each is interesting in its way. This, of course, makes "hunting" for them quite engaging!
Hunting in quotes, because there is no room for any sort of violence in this peaceful, meditative world. As a Bird Rider your task - in the name of Science! - is to fill up a Field Guide about these colorful critters. And so, you will seek'em out, observe them, play a little sleuthing game to fill them into proper family. It's serious biology, you know! But then you can also use one of the many Charming Whistles, which are one of the key items you can find, to enthrall the peaceful aerial blobs to join your titular flock. In short - flying buddies! They follow you dutifully, adding a chorus of their unique voices to your flights. It's a mark of a well-made collectathon that finds and charms them scratches that itch and brings satisfaction that puts a smile on your face.
And that's hardly all you can do in the game! There are also... Sheep. Well, not like the sheep we know, because they also acquired the capacity of flight. But otherwise, they are sheep through and through, and you can utilize their grass-munching powers to clear up meadows, find items, and most important of all - get wool! This is the only in-game "currency" that you use to buy yourself a new drip; hats, scards, capes, and jackets galore! You unlock more options by finding fashion catalogs, which are also hidden on the grassy hills your faithful herd will clear up for you. Neat.
There are so many other aspects of the game I wish to lay praise upon. The music is stellar. Each biome has an atmosphere curated for it with extreme diligence. Starting with the musical theme, bound together with an astonishing soundscape. Bugs thrill and chirp in tall grasses. Over the murky waters of the wetlands, you can hear the buzzing of insects and the splashing of water... Gentle breeze coddles the tall lupins with a susurrant embrace. There are strange rustles in the woods and the chirping of Thrips emerging for a nighttime escapade. It's beautiful. It's soft and tender. Gliding through those biomes, surfing on the smooth clouds, listening to the peculiar nature... It's delightful and puts my mind at ease.
I would be remiss to not mention some tight and well-executed design choices. Despite the game's focus on flying, you're more of a glider, and your bird makes all the more complex maneuvering for you. You shouldn't expect full freedom of movement here - you're not flying a jet fighter and you're not required to do a barrel roll! The map is designed to be very concise, but it never feels small. A great feat, to be sure, as coming back to the other end of the map never feels like a chore. Especially since the map is littered with various structures that serve no other purpose than to be played with... and to grant you a significant speed boost. Clever.
Did I mention that the game also has a multiplier component? Because it does - you can play with friends in a co-op setup, flying together, displaying your flock with pride and just spread around the map to search the goobers go smoothly. And as we know, smooth is fast. I admit, I played it solo from start to finish, simply because I prefer such cosy experiences to be quiet, introspective, and most importantly - at my pace.
While I've seen the credits roll and completed the general narrative of the game, I am adamant that it will be a title to earn a gold star on. A game I want to complete, achieve that 100%. It is that good. And right now I can't envision a better way to unwind in the evening with a nice cup of tea and maybe a cookie or two while gliding through the gorgeous vistas in search of the more elusive creatures to finish the guide and, well... Gotta Charm'em All!
